Set Up Your Mission

For a mission organizer that wants to use eMission


Like all mobile software, there is a client and server

  • Client
    • Lives on phone (or other device)
    • Runs in browser
    • Downloaded automatically from the Web Site
  • Server
    • Lives in "the cloud" (or in your data closet)
    • Needs to be publicly available on the internet
    • Runs the website, database engine, and stores data
    • Typically a commercial service with a small monthly cost


All software used is free to use and free to inspect/modify (i.e. Open Source)


  • Use our infrastructure (cloud server)
    • We maintain the server
    • We will manage users
    • Database name, descriptions and contents are all yours
    • Some cost for supporting infrastructure
  • Set up your own server
    • We can help with advising and setup
    • You will have complete control of users

More details on the following pages