Overall architecture

System design


  • Personal Device
    • Browser
  • Smartphone / Tablet
  • Laptop / Desktop / Chromebook
  • Intermittent network access
  • Browser
    • Runs Javascript App (ES11+)
    • Service Worker for caching App
    • PouchDB (javascript) is in-app database engine
    • Browser database (IndexedDB)
    • Replicates with Server (CouchDB)


  • Server function
    • Stable DNS address
    • Web server and database can be on separate machines
  • Web server
    • Deliver App and HTML for caching
    • Hold non-cached help documents
    • Preferably SSL secure
    • Implemented using lighttpd although basically any static content web server would work (e.g. nginx, caddy, ...)
  • CouchDB server
    • Manages database
    • Has own Fauxton web console
    • Uses http for communication protocol


  • Application (eMission)
    • Pure javascript and HTML
    • Cached locally using Service Workers
    • All dependencies included
  • Content
    • Cached locally in browser database (IndexDB)
    • Replicates opportunistically
    • Eventually consistent
    • CouchDB replication protocol (by PouchDB)