Initial Server Steps

Access to Server

Several way to access the server, all from the "command line"

  • Physical console
  • Provider web console
  • SSH (Secure Shell)

Logging In


# Example for acccessing server ""

Here is an example of a command -- in this case the actual command to access the server.

  • is the domain_name
  • you will be prompted for the server_password
  • comments start with "#" and are only present to make the instructions clearer * you don't need to include comments

All other examples will be on the server, after logging in.

####Web Console

Initial software update

apt update
apt -y upgrade

Install needed software

apt -y install ufw git caddy snapd

Install your favorites

Here is a chance to install your personal favorite software. Most commonly this will be a file editor (like vim or emacs). The included simple editor is nano which is more than adequate.