Process start-up

Low level details for developers

  • HTML page is loaded
    • index.html
    • admin.html
    • download.html
  • Javascript programs (scripts) are loaded from the HTML page
    • support (like pouchdb, printJS, ...)
    • eMission program is loaded and started
  • Startup tasks (index.html -> app.js)
    • Read URL parameters
      • credentials
      • patient id
      • Store in cookies and reload with clean URL
    • Get cookies
      • credentials (name/password/database/server)
      • patientId, operationId, noteId
      • navigation path
    • Check if in iframe (for PatientMerge)
    • Load/Create local database
    • start sync with remote database
    • check/create secondary indexes
    • create search database
    • Update some display elements with correct logo and links
    • Check if new database or new user needs FirstTime processing
    • Check and start navigation path
  • Startup tasks (download.html -> downapp.js)
    • No URL parsing
    • No search
    • no iframe
    • no queries
  • Startup tasks (admin.html -> adminapp.js)
    • No URL parsing
    • No search
    • no iframe