Cache content

eMission runs as a single-page app with most static content (code, HTML and images) in the browser cache.

Off-line user

eMission is designed for off-line as well as on-line work. It passes the PWA Builder test suite.


That means:

  • All processing is done locally in the browser
  • Code, static images and layout is stored locally in Cache
  • Content (medical information) is stored locally in the browser database
  • When available, the network is queried to refresh code and synchronize changes to content

Service Worker

eMission uses the modern caching technique of Service Workers. eMission uses a simple direct service worker program instead of a framework like Workbox.

The service worker is a long-running background program (in the browser) with persistent storage only in Cache or IndexDb

eMission's service worker startup is:

    // Service worker (to manage cache for off-line function)
    if ( 'serviceWorker' in navigator ) {
        .catch( err => console.log(err) );


Contents of sw.js

/* Service Worker with strategy:
    1. Add selected files to cache
    2. Hook into fetch only for those files
    3. Get from network and return plus update cache
    4. Fall back to cache if network fails
    * */
const cacheName = "eMission";
const cacheList = [

// preload cache
self.addEventListener('install', event => 
        .then( (cache) => cache.addAll( cacheList ) )
        .catch( (err) => console.log("Error filling cache",err))

// Selected Fetch
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
    if ( event.request.method === 'GET' ) {
        let url = new URL(event.request.url) ;
        if ( cacheList.includes(url.pathname) ) {
                .then( response => {
                    if ( !response.ok ) {
                        throw 404;
                    let rc = response.clone() ;
           cache => cache.put( event.request, rc ) );
                    return response ;
                .catch( () => caches.match(event.request) )


  • A static list of cacheable files is hardcoded in the sw.js file
  • all files are loaded into the cache at service worker initiation
  • On page load:
    • If no network: files are delivered from the cache
    • If network but request not in cachable list: File downloaded and delivered
    • If network but file download problem: /Files delivered from cache
    • If network and download success: Files also copied into cache to update cache content

Comments and enhancements

Storage efficiency

  • Total cached content is relatively small in modern terms ( < 1Mb )
  • Cache is regularly scanned for outdated files
  • Re-writing all files on download might wear out flash storage.
  • Enhancement: write-on-change (use a file hash or direct content comparison)

Network bandwidth

  • Cached content is only requested at page load, not during routine use.
  • Database content is stored separately in IndexDb but uses CouchDb replication protocol for off-line and incremental synchronization.


  • All files are reloaded if available
  • Cache is constantly updated
  • Losing connectivity during load could give a mix of new and old content (i.e. no generational check)
  • Expect that rare change of cached files to minimize this risk
  • Enhancement: version control of all cache content (would also reduce need for cache write)
  • Enhancement: Package cached files in larger blocks for download efficiency and synchronization