MDBook Documentation Server


mdbook is a documentation system, written for the rust language, that makes creating an instructional website easy.

  • Content is is markdown format -- an easy wiki-style text with formatting
  • Navigation structure is specified in the file
  • Markdown files are in the src subdirectory
  • Images are in the images subdirectory of src
  • mdbook build translates content to html in the book subdirectory


Future state, using snap when updated

The snap version of mdbook (v0.0.28) doesn not support the features we use, so use direct binaries

If you have been following the setup steps sequentially snap should have been install already.

snap install mdbook

Current state, using direct binary importqqq

wget -c -O - | tar -xz
mv mdbook /usr/bin


Use mdbook every time you update the code or documentation in the github repository. If you've "forked" the repository to customize, use that repository version instead.

Obviously this is after you've done the initial directory creation and code pull.

# go to web directory
cd /srv/www
# pull in changes
git pull
# rebuild HTML structure from Markdown
mdbook build



mdbook --version


mdbook v0.4.35