Edit An Existing Note

Notes (and associated pictures) form an important element of the medical record. Notes are linked to a specific patient (or the mission experience).

To edit an existing note, first select a note from the list:

Click Edit on the note you want to edit:

Two things happened:

  • Many of the Header options are disabled during editing
  • The note's display has changed, adding editing controls.

  1. The Date field can be altered. It defaults to the date of note creation.
  2. A set of control buttons are displayed:
  • Save your changes (and finish the edit)
  • Cancel any changes
  • Camera add or change the picture
  • xCamera remove the picture
  • File to attach a document (e.g. a pdf file)
  • xFile to remove the attached document
  • Delete delete the entire note
  1. The Title can be edited -- free form text
  2. Choose a category
  3. Edit your text -- free form text of any length