Use Our Server


  • Cloud Server
    • Unmanaged Server with root access to install software and provision services
    • Kamatera provides OS, CPU, IP address, Storage at different tiers ($4/mo lowest level)
  • Domain name
    • i.e. with DNS records pointing to your IP address
  • SSL Certificate
    • For secure web traffic
    • Let Encrypt is free but requires renewing every 12 months
  • Operating System
    • Ubuntu Server Edition (Linux)
  • Software


Just give us:

  • List of databases
  • List of users


Minor, the incremental cost of additional server level


This is a collaborative humanitarian project. We're glaad to help you get started. The "administrator" has a day job, however, and expects that once set up, support should be minimal.

Help with documenting usage, fixes, and "paying forward" by helping new users would be appreciated.