Edit A Note

Notes (and associated pictures) form an important element of the medical record. Notes are linked to a specific patient (or the mission experience).

To edit an existing note, first select a note from the list:

Click Edit on the note you want to edit:

Two things happened:

  • Many of the Header options are disabled during editing
  • The note's display has changed, adding editing controls.

  1. The date field can be altered. It defaults to the date of note creation.
  2. A set of control buttons are displayed:
  • Save your changes (and finish the edit)
  • Cancel any changes
  • Camera Add or change the picture
  • xCamera Remove the picture
  • Document Add or change an attached file
  • xDocument Remove the attached file
  • Delete remove the entire note.
  1. The Note title can be edited
  2. The note category (e.g. Preop, Postop, ...) can be chosen
  3. The note text can be changed. This is free form text of any length